For Adults

Every one of us has the opportunity to grow closer to God and flourish in life. That’s why we offer various opportunities for spiritual growth for adults.

Sunday Classes

You’re invited to join us for our Sunday morning classes, where you can connect with others and dig deeper into God’s Word together.

Current Classes:

LLL (Loving and Living Long!)

All Adults | 9:30 AM | In the Sanctuary | Taught by Charles Graham

This is a fun-loving Sunday School Class that believes in spiritual growth with a hint of laughter along the way.

Ladies Singles Class

Unmarried, divorced, or widowed women | 9:30 AM | Room 114 | Taught by Ms. Veronica George

Connect and spend time going through books of the Bible and other topical resources as a group.


All adults | 9:30 AM | Room 103 | Taught by Chad Bishop

The goal of this class is for each individual to be the best follower of Christ they can be. The group is currently discussing the Gospel of John and its applications to each person’s role within the family, workplace, and community.

For Adults

Women of Horizon Monthly Lunches

The women of Horizon Baptist are invited to a monthly lunch gathering on the 2nd Monday of each month at 11 AM.

Details will vary from month to month, so check our Events page for the upcoming month’s information.

Childcare is not provided, but you are welcome to bring your kids along!

For Adults

Men’s and Women’s Ministries

The Men and Women’s Ministry groups at Horizon Baptist aim to serve the church and the greater community through outreach, service projects, events, and more!


For Adults


Don’t do life alone! Groups provide a place to grow in your faith, create life-long relationships, and connect with people you can grow alongside.